Thursday, December 2, 2010

McKenna blog first post

This seems to be the trendy thing to do these days- start a family blog. I think we will use this to post pictures for family and friend to see from time  to time, and maybe write a few notes about what everybody is up to. Here are a few recent kid pics to check out.

This is from Aunt Jeanie's bday at our house after Thanksgiving- quite a party.

John at the Tree farm, driving his car.

The Christmas decorations are out!

Turkey shirt for Cass at Gramma's.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Here is the whole crew at the tree farm. We felled a few worthy splinters.

Cass with cousin Madeleine. A very sweet twosome.

Tres generaciones.

Travis with cousin Phillip. They're buds.

Grampa, Kevin, and Marine Mark watching the fire on our back porch.

It was quite a weekend. I will try to add more frequently.


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